Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Our Target Audience
Posted by Emily Jones at 03:24 0 comments
Labels: film, G321 Planning
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Setting part 2.
As part of our film we have decided to use the underneath of a bridge in whetstone. We have used this place because we thought that it could be anywhere i.e. London, Birmingham/Lutterworth.
The urban looking bridge gives the audience an insight into the life that the charcaters may be leading. Unfortunately for us, previous to the day of filmjing there was graffiti all over the wall, This was not a major problem because the wall looked slightly ruined and tatt anyway.
We seemed to be extremely lucky on the day due to the light, we had a birght sunny day so it was comfortable for us to get all of our shots.
Lets hope when we revisit the location that the weatrher and light are of a similar standard.
Posted by Jack, Hannah & Emily :) at 06:35 0 comments
Labels: G321 Setting Jack, Hannah and Emily
Thursday, 21 January 2010
To Do List!
Emily- Finish Audience Thaughts On Pitch And Put Into Scribd. 28th
Finish And Add To Setting Post 28th
Hannah- Finish and Add To Costume And Character Posts. 28th
Jack- Finish Film Opening Analysis And Do Two More. 28th
All- Must Finish Thumbnails 25th
Taking Pictures To Add For Thumbnails 25th
Film Olivias Waking Up Scene And Walm Up Shots 27th
Purple- To do
Orange- Done
Posted by Jack, Hannah & Emily :) at 14:41 0 comments
Labels: G321 Planning Filming, To Do List
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Costume options. Hannah.

jack. stylish. long hair. blazer. scarves. lucky. well lived. glasses. middle class.
hoddie. tracksuit bottoms. maybe jeans. jacket. nike. addidas. skinhead. grubby. no lurxuries. working class.
The person we would like Jack to play is not so underpriveledged that he can't afford major brands like nike or addidas but where does he get the money from ? he doesne have the money to afford brands like allsaints or zara, these brands wud not mix well with the story we are going to tell. We wanted something with more of a street vibe that brings across his life. In his life he may get some things that are nice but only at the price of violence.
For the same reason as above we used tracksuit bottoms this gives the audience an insight into the boys social networking group. They also show that his hobbie of dance shines through his day to day clothing.
Posted by Jack, Hannah & Emily :) at 00:53 0 comments
Labels: G321 Costume Options.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Hannah- Characters.
After looking and analysing our pitch, we have realised the skill in the characters we are going to use is crutial. We therefore need somebody that is able to dance and act at the same time. We have rounded it down to Olivia Kimberley, a drama and dance student which is perfect for our genre. We have struggled to find a male dancer that is capable of both, as a group we have decided to use Jack, a member of the group. Of course we are going to have to discuss filming issues, becuase he will need to be part of the filimg to gain the grade. Hopefully it will all work out.
Posted by Jack Reid at 04:10 0 comments
Labels: G321 Planning.
Emily Jack Hannah- Music Choice
We have thaught about our music choice alot really and have searched about for UNcopyrighted music. At the moment we havent found a piece to fit our film perfectly so are still in the process of finding one that we all like. We have used websights such as Sound cloud but are still unsucsessful.
The only other idea that we had was to make our own music on our friends mac and asking one of our other good friends to mix it for us. We believe this then will give us the music for our film which we desire, and would fit best with the genre of the peice. as you can tell with our idea classical or jazz wouldnt work but something more hip-hop rap would work better. Somthing with heavy beats for jack being on screen and softer beats for when olivia is showing CONTRAST.
Posted by Jack, Hannah & Emily :) at 01:04 0 comments
Labels: G321 film, Music, Planning, Sound Cloud
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Jack-Flash Dance - The last scene.
As we were concidering doign an audition process style section in our film opening, i have decided to watch and analyse one of the most famous auditions in film history. The fact that it isnt the actual actress dancing is beside the point.
The fact that she isnt accepted in the scene, you can tell this by lookign at the judges faces whilst 'she' is dancing.This is something that us as a group is interested in, we think that by bringing in that element may add a different dimension to the opening. We think that it will also fit with the Kidulthood aspect because opur dancer may not fit in with the 'urban' society that they have been brought up in. There is not much complex editinig in this piece but it is pulled of due to the space it has been shot in. We unfortunatley dont have this kind of space to film the opening so we have therfore decided to take more of a complicated route. For instance we are going to add in some more close up complicated shots, this will be difficult as on average we will shoot 5 or 6 shots for just one dance move but I think this will be payed of when we see the finished product. ..... Eventually.
Posted by Jack Reid at 06:55 0 comments
Labels: G321 Planning.