In our short opening sequence we have to make sure our actors our dressed in the style of the character. With the actors we our using they both do not portray the kind of character we want them to play therefore will will have to dress them appropriately to make sure that our plan is met. For instance jack will be playing a underpriveledged youth that is involved with the local gang. So we have to change

jack. stylish. long hair. blazer. scarves. lucky. well lived. glasses. middle class.
hoddie. tracksuit bottoms. maybe jeans. jacket. nike. addidas. skinhead. grubby. no lurxuries. working class.
The person we would like Jack to play is not so underpriveledged that he can't afford major brands like nike or addidas but where does he get the money from ? he doesne have the money to afford brands like allsaints or zara, these brands wud not mix well with the story we are going to tell. We wanted something with more of a street vibe that brings across his life. In his life he may get some things that are nice but only at the price of violence.

jack. stylish. long hair. blazer. scarves. lucky. well lived. glasses. middle class.
hoddie. tracksuit bottoms. maybe jeans. jacket. nike. addidas. skinhead. grubby. no lurxuries. working class.
The person we would like Jack to play is not so underpriveledged that he can't afford major brands like nike or addidas but where does he get the money from ? he doesne have the money to afford brands like allsaints or zara, these brands wud not mix well with the story we are going to tell. We wanted something with more of a street vibe that brings across his life. In his life he may get some things that are nice but only at the price of violence.
For the same reason as above we used tracksuit bottoms this gives the audience an insight into the boys social networking group. They also show that his hobbie of dance shines through his day to day clothing.
Headphones were used to show the boys dedication to dance. As a group we understand that a boy in his position may not be able to afford this luxury, but we thought it was necessary to portray the boys full character.
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